The board
Board Composition
ABML is headed by an effective unitary Board, comprising of 7 non-executive directors (including 6 independent directors) who are all experienced business leaders and/or seasoned professionals in their respective fields of expertise, and 3 executive directors. The Board is assisted by a company secretary.
Board Charter
ABML is headed by an effective unitary Board and the ABML Board Charter clearly identifies its scope of responsibilities within the organisation. The Board Charter of ABML is reviewed on an annual basis, by the Board. Click here to access the Board Charter document.
Click here to access our Board Charter
The Constitution
The Constitution of ABML serves as its foundational document, outlining the principles, objectives, structure, and operational procedures that guide its functioning. Click here to access the Constitution document.
Click here to access our Constitution document
Statement of Compliance
ABML is a public interest entity as defined under the Financial Reporting Act 2004 and is required to report on corporate governance in accordance with the National Code of Corporate Governance for Mauritius - 2016 and its related Corporate Governance Scorecard for Mauritius (2021) (together referred to as the "Code").
The Board is of the opinion that, based on the practices disclosed throughout its Annual Report and which were in operation during the year under review, the bank has adequately applied the 8 principles of the Code. Click here to access the Statement of Compliance.
Click here to access our Statement of Compliance
Appointment Process of Directors
The Bank follows a set process for the nomination and appointment of directors, as detailed under its Board Charter. Upon appointment to the Board, a director is issued with an appointment letter detailing his or her responsibilities, along with the other relevant terms and conditions applicable to his or her appointment as a director.
Committees of the board
Code of ethics
Our code of ethics establishes the behavioural standards expected of every Absa employee in our conduct day to day. It sets out how our purpose and values should be put into practice and provides a roadmap aligning them to the behavioural, ethical and practical compliance aspects of our work as a bank.
Please find below a link to Absa Bank (Mauritius) Limited Code of Ethics.
The Head of Compliance is the recognised Ethics Officer of the bank, as supported by Ethics champions in the respective functions across the bank.
Conflicts of interest
Identifying and managing conflicts of interest is fundamental to the conduct of our business as Absa Group Limited, in term of our relationships with customers and the markets in which we operate. Understanding the conflicts of interest that impact or potentially impact the businesses enables us to handle them appropriately.
Even if there is no evidence of improper actions, a conflict of interest can create an appearance of impropriety that undermines confidence in AGL and its employees. If we do not identify and manage our conflicts of interest appropriately, we could harm customers and the markets in which we operate. To find more on how we manage our conflicts of interest, please contact us.
Related party transactions policies
Parties are considered to be related to the bank if they have control over the bank, directly or indirectly, or can influence the bank significantly in making financial and operating decisions or vice versa or if they and the bank are subject to common control.
The Bank of Mauritius has issued a guideline on Related Party Transactions in December 2011, which sets out the control and monitoring that banks must exercise over related party transactions. It also sets limits on exposures to related parties, which banks cannot exceed without prior approval from the Bank of Mauritius.
As part of our policies and practices, and in compliance with the guideline on Related Party Transactions, senior officers are required to disclose their interests in entities and close relatives that deal with us, and that can meet the definition of a related party to the bank. The bank also ensures that all transactions with related parties are carried out at arms’ length. To find out more on how we manage our related party transactions, please contact us.
Absa Bank (Mauritius) Limited has a comprehensive board approved policy on related party transactions. This is in line with the Bank of Mauritius Guideline on Related Party Transactions.
Click here to access the abridged version of the policy.
Information, Information technology and Information security policy
Absa Bank (Mauritius) Limited (the bank) is governed by an Enterprise Risk Management Framework where controls, through policies and standards, are enforced to risk manage identified critical risks faced by the bank. Policies and standards are regularly reviewed and subsequently approved by the board of the bank in addition to the board of Absa Group Limited. The policies and standards are posted on the organisation’s intranet, accessible to its employees.
The bank has implemented a set of policies for data management, information security, cyber security and technology risks so as to have a holistic controlled approach for confidentiality, integrity and availability of information created, processed, transmitted, stored and disposed by the Bank. The policies and standards cover information which can be accessed both logically and physically while regular training and awareness programmes are done to ensure common understanding across the Bank.
As per the Enterprise Risk Management Framework, the Bank has also implemented appropriate governance and monitoring teams across different lines of defence, who are responsible to monitor adherence to these policies and standards while assessing their operating effectiveness. Governance forums like the Risk Forum and the Control Forum, which are comprised of relevant members of the Management, are used to review and track remediation of any non-adherence to these policies and standards.
Information Security and Safety
Absa Bank (Mauritius) Limited has implemented a set of frameworks, standards and policies for its information security, data privacy, cyber risk and technology risk to maintain the confidentiality, Integrity, and availability of its information assets and protecting them from unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
Dividend Declarations
Absa Bank (Mauritius) Limited has a board-approved dividend policy, which adheres to the local statutory and regulatory requirements.
Internal audit function
The objective of Internal Audit is:
To assist the Absa Bank (Mauritius) Limited board and executive management to protect the reputation, the sustainability and the assets of Absa Bank (Mauritius) Limited;
To provide independent, reliable, valued, insightful and timely assurance to the Absa Mauritius board and executive management over the effectiveness of governance, risk management and control over current, systemic and evolving risks in the context of the current and expected business environment.
The above is in accordance with the International Professional Practices Framework and the Definition of Internal Auditing.
Click on the link to access the Internal Audit Overview document
Click on the link to access the Internal Audit Charter document
Click here to access the Profiles of Internal Audit Employees document
Click here to access the Internal Audit Organisation Structure
Talent Acquisition Policy
Absa Bank (Mauritius) Limited strictly adheres to the Group's Talent Acquisition Policy (“the Policy”), aligning its practices with a commitment to fostering inclusivity and upholding fundamental principles such as diversity and equal opportunity at all levels of the bank.
Click on the link to access the document.
Mauritius Equal Opportunities Policy
The purpose of this Mauritius Equal Opportunities Policy is to communicate its commitment to equality of opportunity in employment, terms and conditions, benefits, with the aims of ensuring that all existing employees and job applicants are treated fairly and equally and supporting Absa‘s objective of providing a working environment that is free from all forms of discrimination. The policy applies to all staff within the bank, including employees and other workers, such as, temporary workers and interns. Management and All staff are expected to put this policy into practice.
Click on the link to access the document.
Whistleblowing Pocket Guide
The Whistleblowing Policy provides the mechanism through which all colleagues (including temporary employees, secondees, contractors and consultants) are able to raise concerns on the actions of employees in confidence and without the fear of victimisation.
Click here to access the pocket guide.
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- Absa Access

Corporate Governance
Absa Bank (Mauritius) Limited (Absa) has a strong corporate governance framework in place, which is reviewed by its
board of directors regularly to ensure accountability, fairness and transparency. The directors ensure that Absa's
objectives are pursued within the context of the social, regulatory and market environment, and that there is a sound
culture of risk management in the bank that is inculcated in the day-to-day business activities and decisions.